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Sviat Oryniak

Hi, I'm Sviat! owner of Oryniak Designs. The story of which begins in a small town
Galveston, Texas. My good friend asked me if i can help him to lay new floor in
his gorgeous victorian house. The old was ruined after hurricane “Ike” in 2009. He
wanted his floor to be an art piece. The only problem was I was not trained in the
fine arts. I did not receive a degree in industrial design. I don’t come from a long
line of designers or craftsman. So basically I had had no idea how to do it. there
for I dig into the internet wached hours of “how to” youtube video, and i started.
After 8 month masterpiece was ready.
Now when someone ask me how i learned such skills I say o n youtube)))
after that project i had a lot of different exotic wood left. most of which was scrap
but i still couldn’t throw it away. so i decided to make myself a nice table out of
scrap, that’s how I first became interested in design. At some point expensive
scrap was taking half of my garage i just new i had to do something with it, i cut
small pieces into smaller ones & puzzled’ed up in patterns. And that’s how from
being a hoarder became very cool furniture maker.

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